Mountain biking is a sport that involves inherent risk and often takes place in locations that responders would have trouble reaching in an emergency. That is why it is important to have individuals on-site that have first aid training. Georgia Cycling takes rider safety seriously which is why we offer a variety of first aid training courses including CPR, Advanced First Aid, and Wilderness First Aid.
First aid training is a requirement for the coach licensing process. Our license program meets industry standards for first aid training to ensure Georgia Cycling student-athletes (and fellow volunteers) receive appropriate care and response when emergencies occur.
Requirement for License 2 - This requirement must be fulfilled by attending an in-person course consisting of three (3) or more hours of instructional time; online courses will not be accepted. Topics include:
Severe Bleeding
Wounds and Burns
Muscle and Joint Injuries
Head and Spinal Injuries
Sudden Illness
ADVANCED FIRST AID OR wilderness first aid (wfa)
Requirement for License 3 - This extensive training is designed to prepare anyone who enters the advanced terrain or the wilderness to confidently and effectively respond to injuries and illness that can occur while on the trail. The training will focus on staying calm, making good decisions, and relevant hands-on practice, including on-the-trail scenarios with fellow classmates. Advanced First Aid or WFA certified coaches will be prepared to handle an emergency involving either student-athletes or fellow coaches, whether it be at the trailhead, in the parking lot, or deep into a trail.
Advanced First Aid courses are for locations that are within 1 hour of definitive care. Any locations more than 1 hour are required to take the WFA course for Level 3.
Topics covered in the Advanced First Aid and WFA courses include:
Managing an accident scene on a trail
Patient Assessment - shock and bleeding
Head and Spinal Injuries
Wound Care
Musculoskeletal Injuries
Heat/Cold Related Illness
WFA Training Sessions: The following organizations offer Wilderness First Aid and while these are not taught directly by Georgia Cycling, they do qualify to meet the Level 3 requirement for Wilderness First Aid Training.
The Northeast Georgia Boys Scouts WFA course is run by Chestatee Consulting, certifying through Emergency Care & Safety Institute: visit site
The Atlanta Boy Scouts offers courses through American Red Cross and SOLO: visit site
Nantahala Outdoor Center WFA training: visit site
National Outdoor Learning School offers courses through REI: visit site
A current CPR certification is required for Level 2 and Level 3 Licenses. You may take a course offered by the Georgia Cycling Association, but it is not required that you be taught CPR by Georgia Cycling. Courses from American Red Cross or other such organizations will be accepted. Typically, CPR Certifications last for one to two years. You must keep your CPR Certification current no matter which organization teaches your class.
Level 2 First Aid
Any in-person First Aid course of 3 or more hours of instruction time
Certified Nurse Aide
Level 3 First Aid - Meets the Level 3 requirement for any team within an hour of definitive care from their practice and event locations
Advanced First Aid SOLO course offered through Georgia Cycling Association
Other alternative certifications that meet the requirement:
Medical doctor
Physician’s Assistant
Physical Therapist
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)
Prehospital Life Support (PHTLS)
Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
Athletic Trainer
Public Safety-First Aid (16 hr+)
Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)
Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC)
Wilderness First Aid - Meets the Level 3 requirement for any team that is outside of 1 hour to definitive care from practice or event locations.
Complete 2 Day (16 hr+) WFA course
Other alternative certifications that meet the requirement:
Wilderness First Responder (WFR)
Outdoor Emergency Care (OEC)
Trauma Surgeon
Orthopedic Surgeon
Emergency Medicine Physician
Military Medic
Combat First Aid
Public Safety-First Aid